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CUnit for Mr.Ando.

  "CUnit for Mr.Ando" is CppUnit-x based C langage testing framework for Mr.Ando. It provide the C source code for unit testing.


  JUnit is a very powerful Java simple unit test tool. However, many C language engineers cannot understand a Java language.
  To a such an engineer sake, CppUnit was developed for C/C++ languages. However, the knowledge over GUI was required for CppUnit. Therefore, many C language engineers cannot compile CppUnit.
  To a such an engineer sake, CppUnit-x was developed which operates in a poor environment such as Tornado. However, many C language engineers cannot do understanding C++ language etc. Therefore, many C language engineers cannot compile CppUnit-x too.
  Mr.Ando wanted a C language engineer to test!! So,Mr.Ando felt the necessity of creating the C language testing framework by the C language engineers of the C language engineers for the C language engineers.
  It is "CUnit for Mr.Ando".

  Especially "CUnit for Mr.Ando" was noticed about the following things, and was created.


  Please download from the following.


  "CUnit for Mr.Ando" uses the following #define space.   "CUnit for Mr.Ando" uses the following function space.



   GNU Lesser General Public License



  Toshikazu Ando,PMP.

Change Log


  Japanese are writing this file. If abnormalities are looked at by English, please gime me fluenet English translation!!